This edition of "Resurrecting the Past" was originally going to be "Resurrecting the Past: Christmas 1980", as the photo above sort of illustrates. I was going to go over the contents of the 1980 Sears Wish Book and also survey what was on TV during the week of Christmas, using the TV Guide from that time. Once I started thinking about what was going to be in this post I realized that my original vision was much too ambitious--and the post would be way too long. Not only that, but after seeing how long it was taking to put this whole thing together I'd be working on it until well into the New Year (and the hope was for this to be published before Christmas). So, for brevity's sake I'll just concentrate on the 1980 Sears Wish Book. Perhaps the TV Guide part of the story will eventually make it onto the TV Guide Time Machine sometime in the future. Without further delay, let's get started...
When I was a kid growing up in the 1970s and 1980s a sure sign that the holiday season was getting under way was when the Sears Holiday Wish Book would arrive at the house. We didn't get it every year, and I don't remember if they came in the mail or if my parents picked them up at Sears. But I do remember the excitement of opening up one of these thick and hefty tomes. Nowadays you can get most of your shopping and sale information online. You can even actually do most of your shopping online for that matter. The need for a gigantic catalog from Sears every few months has greatly decreased over the years. That's good news for trees, but I feel that it takes one little bit of what was special about the holidays away. Yes, it was a very small part of the overall picture, but it was something I really enjoyed just the same.
My family wasn't rich. My parents worked hard to support our large household. We never went without, but we were also never overwhelmed with piles of unnecessary "stuff". Mom and Dad always managed to get plenty of gifts for everyone under the tree on Christmas--and maybe we had a little better appreciation for that stuff than someone who always got every minor whim fulfilled. I say all this to explain that I would pore over the Sears catalog (or at least the toy section) every late-November/early-December, and circle a ridiculous number of things that I "wished" for. I knew that I wasn't actually going to get all that stuff, but it was just fun to fantasize a bit. This is what made the Sears Wish Book such an important part of the season for me. I did end up with a few items from the catalog. Whether they came from Santa, Sears or some other department store I can't say for sure, but I'll mention some of these items when we see them. And now it's time to take a look at the contents of the Sears Wish Book for the Holiday Season of 1980. I'm not going to illustrate every page, after all it has a total of 668 pages (including covers). Instead we'll just look at a few of the many highlights (or at least things that I consider highlights). These highlights won't be grouped by categories. Instead they will go by page number--just like we're looking through a catalog from front to back. And here we go:
Here's the cover of the 1980 Wish Book. It was certainly a wonderful thing to see as a kid. I don't remember this one specifically, but can imagine seeing the cover and being totally put into a Christmas frame of mind. It doesn't hurt that there are a couple of kids checking out their new presents under the tree with their parents looking on in the background. In 1980 I would have been eleven years old at Christmas, so my taste in toys had changed a bit over the last few years. Nonetheless I was still very much interested in all things toys.
I wasn't interested in sports much on 1980, but if I had been I'm sure I would have asked Santa for one of these NFL football jerseys. Most likely it would have been the Number 14 jersey worn by quarterback Steve Grogan of the New England Patriots.
Or perhaps one of these NFL jersey and helmet sets would have been a more tempting gift to request!
Now like mentioned earlier, I mainly concentrated on the toys in these catalogs when perusing them as a kid. But in the interest of giving a better idea of what kind of stuff Sears was selling in 1980 we'll look at a bunch of other things as well. Here are some nifty pajama sets. If I was to check these out I probably would have had a tough time deciding if I wanted one of the Star Wars ones, the Buck Rogers one or the Star Trek one.
I definitely wouldn't have been checking out the latest fashions while leafing through the pages of the Wish Book, but here's a hint of what the well-dressed kid might have been wearing that year (not to mention a look at what pretty much every kid hoped and prayed wouldn't be under the tree).
I don't really remember this, but apparently there was quite the western/cowboy fad going on at the end of 1980. This might have had something to do with the popularity of movies like "Urban Cowboy" (1980) and songs like Glen Campbell's "Rhinestone Cowboy". Maybe it was even related to the continuing interest in CB radios and trucker culture that I mentioned in the TV Guide Time Machine blog "Smokey and the Bandit (March 23, 1980)". Whatever the case I suppose I would have been slightly less horrified by wearing these duds than the suits above.
Here's a few more fashions of the day (check out the pockets on those "Perma-Prest" jeans!). The only reason for this page being here is the Empire Strikes Back t-shirts, which I definitely would have liked at the time. Heck they even make "retro" shirts like these today.
A selection of clocks that could be of interest to kids. I seem to recall the Big Bird one in the upper left hand corner, but didn't have it myself. A friend or relative must have owned one of them. On the other hand I did own a Star Wars wristwatch, which I'm almost positive was the blue C-3PO and R2-D2 one on the left. Like most of the items I'll mention that I owned I have no idea whether I actually got that watch for Christmas in 1980, or if it was given to me at a different time, but since it's in this Wish Book I figured it was worth mentioning.
Does anyone else remember these horrid-looking boots that we always called "Moon Boots" when I was growing up? I don't remember if I ever actually had any of these ugly things myself, but I do know that I always thought they were ugly--even in 1980 when I was 11 and a fan of science-fiction movies. You'd think that something called "Moon Boots" would have appealed to me, but no.
The Wish Book also had a section on Christmas trees and all sorts of holiday decorations. Here's a look at a few of the trees they were offering in 1980.
Could you really have called Christmas Christmas back then without a fruitcake? I never partook of them, but they always seemed to be around. It was a tradition that I never quite "got". Oh well, to each his own.
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We didn't get our first microwave until about two years after this catalog came out, but they were already one of the hot (no pun intended) new technologies of the early 1980s. I put this one up because it looks very similar to the one we would get a couple years later. In fact, here is that very microwave for comparison:
For anyone who thinks that camcorders have always been tiny things that fit in the palm of your hand, check out this "portable" Video Cassette Player with Video Sound Camera! While the camera itself isn't terribly large, keep in mind that you also had to lug the VCR around with you when you went outside to film your home movies. There'd probably be a whole lot less mindless stuff on YouTube if we still had to record video on these behemoths. Of course at the time they were a miracle of technology and miniaturization. Not only that, but they even used the smaller (and soon to be obsolete) Beta video tapes instead of VHS ones. On the page before this one Sears also offered a selection of pre-recorded movies that you could buy and watch in your own home whenever you wanted! Yeah, that doesn't seem like anything special today, but at the time it was revolutionary. Most people still didn't have cable and it had only been recently that you could actually buy movies (if you could afford the astronomical cost of a VCR. I should also mention that Sears only offered twenty-one titles at this time. Here are a few of them. Note the prices:
"Silver Streak" ($54.95), "M.A.S.H." ($54.95), "The Poseidon Adventure" ($54.95), "The Sound of Music" ($74.95), "The Muppet Movie" ($54.95), "Night of the Living Dead" ($54.95), "Grease" ($59.95), "Barbarella" ($59.95), "The Making of Star Wars" ($54.95)* and "The Ten Commandments" ($79.95).
*Keep in mind that you would be paying $54.95 for a tape of "The Making of Star Wars", not the actual movie "Star Wars" itself.
A few months after this Christmas I bought my first ever tape recorder. In fact I got it on St. Patrick's Day 1981. I don't think I was into them in December 1981, but soon after I got the fever to tape stuff bad. For the next few years I'd prop my little portable tape recorder (similar to the ones above) up next to the speaker of the TV or radio and tape music or the audio of movies and TV shows. That probably seems like a strange thing to do, but VCRs were still very expensive at the time and we didn't get our first one until 1985. It's amazing how entertaining I found the process of taping and then listening to stuff from the TV. I've managed to find most of those old tapes in the past couple of years and have really been to travel back in time a bit by listening to them once again.
I was just starting to get into music at the end of 1980. By 1984 I was very much into it and wanted to get a guitar so I could become the next Jimmy Page or Eddie Van Halen (an ambition that never came to pass). While I wasn't really into them at the time I remember stopping on the musical instrument pages to look at the guitars that Sears offered. Maybe they lit a little spark inside me without me even realizing it. Who knows?
Disco was close to being dead at the end of 1980. Punk, synth-pop and new wave were really taking off, but you'd never know it by looking at the selection of groovy disco lights and strobe lights that Sears was selling in this Wish Book.
Roller skates were big at this time (and I suppose roller disco probably was too, to some extent). Here's a few of the skates that Sears was selling about a decade or so before the introduction of in-line skates.
It's seems strange now to think that Sears sold real, honest-to-goodness firearms right along with the roller skates and guitars seen above in 1980. I don't think they do any more (though I can't say that for sure). The times have sure changed. I probably checked out the pages with rifles and shotguns back then, but I wouldn't have circled any of them. It didn't really seem like something that Santa would be likely to leave under the tree.
It seems like soccer (or football a it's known throughout most of the world) has been trying forever to become really popular in the United States. I remember playing soccer as a kid and enjoying it, but it just never seemed to be able to catch on. There are just too many long-entrenched sports to choose from already (football, baseball, basketball and hockey) for soccer to really be able to take a bite out of them. Of course soccer is still around, and millions of kids (I might be exaggerating) are in youth soccer leagues today--not to mention that as a result we now have the well-known term "soccer moms". There are even professional leagues for both men and women that try to draw spectators away from the other sports. I forgot that there were also pro soccer leagues back in the 1970s and 80s. Here are a selection of uniforms and apparel from the long defunct North American Soccer League (NASL). Wonder how these were selling around Christmas 1980?
There was a time before iPods and MP3s when people would actually listen to stuff on records, cassette tapes and 8-track tapes. Along with a selection of classic children's books this page features a multi-media entertainment option that I remember loving as a kid: book and record sets. You'd put on the record and actually hear music, sound effects and even the story itself while you followed along in the book. Talk about interactive entertainment!
Now, we're finally going to start checking out some toys! Like I mentioned earlier, I would have gone straight to this section when I opened up a Sears Wish Book as a kid, but for the sake of giving a bit of a more complete picture of Christmas 1980 we've taken a bit longer to get here than I might have back then.
No, I wouldn't have been asking Santa for Barbies as a kid. But I just had to add this page here. Check out the size of this Barbie Dream House! That little girl could have practically lived in the house herself! I was also struck by the Sport & Shave Ken doll featured here. I know that times, fashions and styles change (we've already seen that in earlier pages), and I know that Barbie and her friends change right along with them--but check out Ken! Check out his funky 'fro! Check out his groovy (and shave-able) beard! And check out his shorts!
Finally, we're starting to see some of the "Star Wars" and "The Empire Strikes Back" merchandise that was selling so big around this time. "The Empire Strikes Back" had been released in May, so The stores must have been absolutely flooded with all things "Star Wars". In the photo at the top of this blog can be seen my very own "The Empire Strikes Back" comforter/sleeping bag that I may very well have received on Christmas morning in 1980 (though I'm not positive). This page features models rather than true toys, but check out the detail. Right along a sailing ship, a visible engine and a Pontiac Firebird we have the Millennium Falcon, Darth Vader's Tie Fighter and an X-Wing Fighter.
Here's some more visual and audio entertainment for kids in the days of yore before the internet, iPods, iPads and downloadable movies and music. I remember having a Talking View-Master. It was similar to the book and record sets above in that it took an existing visual medium and added audio to it. It seemed like an amazing thing to me back then. The Winnie-the-Pooh Show 'N Tell Phono Viewer, the Movie Viewer Theater and the Talk-to-Me Player and books provided similar multimedia experiences. And I used to have one of those little Walt Disney Movie Viewers seen on this page. It was so cool to turn the crank and watch a cartoon through the viewer that actually looked like an 8mm home movie camera.
The next page featured the details of some of the products listed above, as well as a bunch of View-Master reels that were available. The only actual toy on the page was the 2-XL Talking Robot.
It kind of surprises me that 2-XL was given only a small corner on a black and white page, but there there he was. Maybe it had already been available for a couple years and wasn't "new" enough to warrant more attention? I never owned a 2-XL myself, but remember playing with one at a summer program I used to attend. It seemed like such a cool thing to have a robot talking and interacting with you. There are similar educational toys out these days (my daughter got an Alphie robot for Christmas last year). The thing that I find so interesting about 2-XL now is that he was a futuristic-looking robot whose information was supplied by...8-Track Tapes! Nice.
It kind of surprises me that 2-XL was given only a small corner on a black and white page, but there there he was. Maybe it had already been available for a couple years and wasn't "new" enough to warrant more attention? I never owned a 2-XL myself, but remember playing with one at a summer program I used to attend. It seemed like such a cool thing to have a robot talking and interacting with you. There are similar educational toys out these days (my daughter got an Alphie robot for Christmas last year). The thing that I find so interesting about 2-XL now is that he was a futuristic-looking robot whose information was supplied by...8-Track Tapes! Nice.
Sears sold a number of instruments (both real ones and toy versions) in this catalog. We've seen a couple of the electric guitars they had earlier. I put up these rather toy-like drum sets because I had one very similar to these. In fact it might very well have been the "Denim Country" one featured on this page. I like the pitch Sears used for these sets: "Drum up some interest in music while boosting child's dexterity." While those may be valid points, they fail to mention all the noise the kids will be making at all hours of the day and night if you got them one of these!
This page features some pretty cool communication-based toys. Walkie-talkies were always a cool thing for kids to have while running around outside. I remember wanting one of those spiffy-looking space helmets featured here. The best thing on this page though is the Sound FX Machine.
Now, this was something I REALLY wanted and I'm sure I circled it in our Wish Book. I did indeed get one of these and had a ball with it. Once again, I'm not sure that I got it for Christmas, but it's certainly likely. I was able to find my old Sound FX Machine recently (as well as its somewhat worn box (seen in the photo at the top of the blog). Unfortunately it doesn't work very well anymore. It powers up and makes noise, but you can't really adjust the sound much. I'm hoping it's something I can fix someday. Here is my very own Sound FX Machine (minus the battery cover, which I believe I do have lying around somewhere):
And, for a little then and now, check out the ad from 1980 and the recreation from 2011:
Here's some arts and crafts stuff. This page features the classic Lite-Brite, but the main reason I'm putting it up is because I had the Crayola Craft Art Workshop Kit at the upper right of the page. It's yet another of the things that I may or may not have opened up on Christmas morning in 1980, but at least it's in the Wish Book.
Here's another classic: the Speak & Spell. Another one of those electronic educational toys that tried to make learning fun. I remember having fun trying to figure out ways to make the Speak & Spell say inappropriate things. There was also a comic in the mid-80s who had an act where he had a conversation with a Speak & Spell. I had the Little Professor math teacher on the bottom left of the page. It seems pretty similar to the Professor Mathics one next to it.
It was a bit of a surprise to not find any Big Wheel cycles in this catalog. This page has some cycles that obviously "borrow" pretty heavily from the classic Big Wheel look. Maybe another department store had exclusive rights to official Big Wheels or something. I have no idea. All I know is that the Star Patrol Cycle above is rather nifty looking. And those Hot Cycles on the right are pretty much clones of the Big Wheel. Check out the CHiPs one that even had a siren!
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I think most kids who were into toy cars were probably either Matchbox kids or Hot Wheels kids. While you could certainly own both, it seems like the one you preferred most probably said something about you. What that was I don't know. I myself was a Matchbox kid. Here's two pages with a bunch of stuff from both companies (as well as some from others like Fast Wheels and Roadmates). I collected Matchbox cars for a few years spanning the late 1970s and early 1980s. While I don't know if I got any of these for Christmas in 1980, here are some of the ones I still have from what was shown on page 624 of the Wish Book:
14 of the vehicles in the "24-piece Collector's Set" |
And now we finally see the Star Wars toys! After seeing characters on shirts and pajamas along with a few models here are the classic Kenner toys that most kids who grew up during this time remember so well. I had many of the action figures here (IG-88 was always a favorite of mine for some reason). I also had (and still have) the Darth Vader Collector Case seen here.
While I never got the Millennium Falcon toy pictured here, a friend bought me the newer (and much larger) one put out by The Legacy Collection for my 40th birthday a couple years back.
Here's a few more neat toys. The one I really wanted from this page was the Chutes Away parachute game in the middle. This is the one where you look through the little scope and drop parachutes from the plane into the cups on the turntable below.
I still remember the old commercials for these things and how cool it all seemed to pilot that plane and drop chutes to their target at night. I have a feeling that if I had actually gotten one the novelty would have worn off pretty quickly. Since I never did the memory of what I imagined it to be like lives on.
There were a lot of slot car sets for sale in the 1980 Wish Book, many of them with glow-in-the-dark elements. Here's just one of them.
How's this for a sign of the times (or two)? In the remote control section we find a page featuring a customized Thunder Van and another Pontiac Firebird (looking very Smokey and the Bandit-ish). How 1980 can you get?
And here's the Sears Video Arcade System (better known to most as the Atari 2600)! This was the first major step ahead from Video Pong, and despite how crude and basic it seems compared to today's video games, it was an exciting time when these babies came out. I never had one, but played with them at friends' houses quite a bit. Though I never really felt a burning desire to own an Atari 2600 I do remember a couple years later when the next generation of home video games was introduced I quickly jumped on the bandwagon. The Atari 5200 and Colecovision both seemed light years ahead of the 2600. After doing as much research as I could I decided that Colecovision was the one for me. I lobbied very hard for one and was rewarded with my favorite Christmas present of all time in 1982--a Colecovision for my family! But 1982 was in the future when this Wish Book came out, so that's a story for another time.
Here are some of the video games available for the Sears Video Arcade--not to mention a good look at the stunning graphics that were featured in them.
Here are some electronic games. While of a similar size to the Game Boys of the following decade and similar units that followed, these ones only featured one game apiece (or a variety of very similar games). Cartridges were available for the Atari 2600, but technology hadn't quite gotten to the point of allowing game platforms like that in a handheld format. Of the four games featured on this page I owned two (Stop Thief and Quiz Wiz) and remember playing with the Merlin Electronic Wizard--though I don't think I ever had one of my own.
And here's a few more neat-o handheld electronic games. I never owned any of these, but remember thinking that Hit and Missile looked really cool. I did have an Electronic Concentration handheld game that I probably got around this time (or at least within a year or two). It was pretty similar to the units seen on these last couple of pages. I got mine at a childrens' Christmas party that the Tupperware company put on every year (my Dad worked for Tupperware at the time). Like the Sound FX Machine, I was able to find my old Electronic Concentration game recently. It is also in the photo at the top of this post. Here's a closer look at it:
That's about it for the 1980 Sears Wish Book. While the back cover isn't exactly exciting (unless you happen to be into major household appliances of course), it is an appropriate way to close out this little trip back in time by symbolically closing the catalog. Hope you enjoyed it. Depending on your age it might have brought up old memories, or simply made you laugh at what passed for toys a few decades in the past. Despite how long this post has been we've only touched on a little bit of what is found in the 668 pages of the catalog. If you have any interest in checking out more of these, the website Wishbook Web has a bunch of Christmas catalogs from different years and different companies from the 1930s through the 1980s that have been scanned and can be looked through page by page. It was a nostalgic trip down memory lane when I first heard about that site. Also, someone called Wishbook has posted scans of many Sears and other companies' Christmas catalogs on flickr. They even have the 1980 one from Sears, just in case you just didn't get enough of it here. Even though they're available online now online I really wanted to get my very own physical copy of a Sears Wish Book that I could go through for a bit of holiday nostalgia. A search of listings on eBay showed that Christmas catalogs from this period were selling for a pretty steep price. You never know what people are going to want, huh? Eventually I was able to find my 1980 edition very cheap. While it was something I really wanted I don't think I would have payed very much for it--especially since there are ways of checking many of them out online. Who'd have thunk that would be possible back in 1980?
How awesome! 1980s Sears wish book is amazing! truly a treasure what you have.
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked it Your Highness! I knew that this was going to be a bit of a "niche" sort of subject, so I'm happy to know that someone besides me got something out of it. Thanks for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteGlen this is awesome!!!!I have many of the fisher-price toys....I always wanted a Luke Skywalker figure but never got one:( Thanks for posting this it was great to see the old toys and clothes....
ReplyDeleteI am 43 years old and the Sears Christmas catalog was my Bible back when I was a child. I wish I would've kept one of these to cherish to this day, but I didn't. Thanks to your post, I can re-live the coolest moments of going through this catalog and circling everything I wanted Santa to bring me. I got tears in my eyes seeing the "Golden Beat" drum set. I did get the drum set one year and enjoyed the heck out of it. Kids these days look at these toys we had and wonder how we managed to live with them lol. I wouldn't trade my childhood days for nothing else. Thanks for posting!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment Rudy! It must be difficult indeed for kids of today to imagine getting all excited about a paper catalog, much less the antiquated "toys" found within its pages. Glad this was able to rekindle some fond old memories for you.
DeleteThis blog was an awesome find Rudy! I babysat the two girls on the cover and everyone was ecstatic when their picture was the one chosen. They're twins actually and their names are Kim and Lisa. I've been searching for info on this particular catalogue for the last 5 hours. I'd truly like to find out what happened to them and their mother, Joyce. They lived in London, Ontario at the time! Such great memories....and yes, those Wish Catalogues were always something a kid wanted to see. Do you remember how they use to be sectioned off "Boy"s Toys" and "Girl's Toys"??? Nice trip down memory lane for me at 6:05 a.m. !!!
ReplyDeleteThat's an awesome story Diana! Thank you for sharing your personal memories of the cover girls. I do remember the separate boys' and girls' sections. Needless to say I don't remember much about the girls' sections though because naturally I went straight to the toys in the boys' area!
Deletedo you buy stuff i have a198 sears solid state walkie talkie set in original box.... if you dont want do you know what a rice would be on it
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a pretty cool bit of Sears history. Unfortunately I'm not in a position to purchase something like that right now. Not sure what it would be worth, but you might be able to find out by looking for similar stuff on eBay.
DeleteMay I use some of the images from your Sears Wish Book Catalog in my Flickr photosharing stream?
ReplyDeleteI will completely list your blog page as reference of source and will provide you my Flickr page so you can see what I'm about.
I don't have any problem with you using them as long as you give the credit. Thanks for asking. I appreciate that.
Deletethank you..they are on individual photos and your blog spot is in the description
ReplyDeleteI still own that GE microwave, and it works. Never had to get another one. I won it by sending in a 3 x 5 on which I printed, "Reynolds Wrap, the best wrap around." It was valued at $500, and I had to pay $100 in taxes on it! It had a probe, but no turntable.
ReplyDeleteHow cool that not only you still have the microwave, but also that you won it way back then! Thanks for sharing. I remember that probe thingy. NEver really figured out how to use it right. And we had to buy one of those wind-up carousels since it didn't have the turntable. Guess they made those early models really well. I think the one at my parents' house still works too and was recently put back in service when a newer one blew a fuse or something!
DeleteI still own the Sears Kenmore microwave pictured, and today, Dec 26, 2017 it finally died! I'd like to see a modern one last even 1/3 as long!
DeleteThe first football jersey page (p. 13) is one I remember in particular, very, very well. I received a few of these shirts for Christmas in 1979, and/or 1980. The shirts I had were the Bears #34 - Walter Payton, Colts #20 - Joe Washington (Bert Jones #7 had already moved on by that time, iifc), and another that I can't remember.
ReplyDeleteOff the top of my head, I will do my best to name all the players with those jersey numbers:
Chargers #14-Dan Fouts
Buccaneers #12 - Doug Williams
Eagles #17 - Harold Carmichael
Lions #16 - Gary Danielson??
Broncos #53 - Randy Gradishar
Saints #8 - Archie Manning
Falcons #10 - Steve Bartkowski??
Vikings #28 - Ahmad Rashad??
Raiders #87 - Dave Casper
Cardinals #17 - Jim Hart
Packers #17 - Lynn Dickey??
Seahawks #10 - Jim Zorn
Bears #34 - Walter Payton
Jets #14 - Richard Todd??
Redskins #7 - Joe Theisemann
Colts #7 - Bert Jones
Browns #34 - Greg Pruitt
Patriots #14 - Steve Grogan
Chiefs #32 - I can't think of anyone!!
Dolphins #12 - Bob Griese
Oilers #34 - Earl Campbell
Rams #85 - Fred Dryer?? or Jack Youngblood (money on Jack)
Rams #11 - Pat Haden
Cowboys #33 - Tony Dorsett
Cowboys #11 - Danny White
Steelers #12 - Terry Bradshaw
Steelers #32 - Franco Harris
How did I do?
Thank you for the trip down memory lane. When I was a child I remember wishing for the Wish Book to hurry up and arrive. I was very disappointed they stopped coming even though I was an adult at the time.
ReplyDeleteI totally remember those days well... In 1980, I would have been 3 years old, but I still remember vividly the excitement of the Christmas catalogs in the early '80s. I have a huge collection of Penny's/Wards/Sears wishbooks from that era and it really takes me back. Good times. --Ryan B.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting these. I was 13 years old when this 1980 catalog came out and had been playing a cheap acoustic guitar purchased from another catalog company, Service Merchandise. I was in band at the time and had a "run in" with our band director, so my mom told me if wanted to quit band she'd get me my first electric guitar. The guitar shown on the right (beautiful solid mahogany) was my first electric guitar. Over the next few years I played it everywhere, until I felt it was time to upgrade and I traded it at a local music store. I still have the case that came with it that's also pictured. I had the amp and at one point it stopped working and I upgraded that as well. Now I'm a collector and I wish I could find one like it, even though it's a cheaply made import. It wouldn't be my first one, but I'd still like to have one like it. Thanks for the nostalgia.
ReplyDeleteOMG...... I have been searching high and low to figure out the name of that damn space helmet with built in walkie-talkie! My brother and I snuck into our parents closet a week before Christmas and my mom caught us looking at those helmets. She ended up taking them back to the store and we NEVER did get them. 35 years later, I've decided to surprise my brother with one, if I can find it!!! Thanks for this site, to bring back an 80's reference...... It's TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteHey is there any of those sears vintage combo home stereos from the 70s & 80s still around for sale in good condition ? can they be found at estate sales ?
ReplyDeleteGlen - Do you still have the 1980 Christmas Wishbook still available?? I got my first electric guitar from the wishbook in 1980 and I still have it to this day. It looks similar to the one you posted but it came with 3 single coil pickups and the Mahogany body - No case or Amp. I am looking for the pages for the guitars from this issue - If possible could you scan them for me? I'm 54 now, and I've been trying for ages to find the instrument pages from that book?? If you can scan them, could you e-mail them to brothertank at Hotmail dot com ?? Please? My Mom passed away in 2017 and it was the only thing I got for Christmas that year as I came from a low income family (divorced parents) and I would love to be able to share the page with the family. A big thanks if you could!!
ReplyDeleteI also repair electronics so I might be able to help you fix your Sound FX Machine!
Dozens of these Christmas Catalogs in full PDF format at this website:
ReplyDeleteWow. What a throwback. Those catalogs were amazing. Thanks for sharing and the personal photos you added were pretty cool. I enjoyed reading your story and remembering mine. Good times. I'm bookmarking this so I can read it again next month (December). I missed these feels.